Bihar Observation Home Bharti 2025:- निदेशक, समाज कल्याण-सह-उपाध्यक्ष, राज्य बाल संरक्षण समिति, बिहार, पटना के पत्रांक-540 दिनांक-04.07.2024 के आलोक में समाज कल्याण निदेशालय, बिहार, पटना के अन्तर्गत संचालित पर्यवेक्षण गृह हेतु निभिन्न रिक्त पदों पर संविदा के आधार पर अस्थायी नियोजन हेतु पैनल निर्माण के लिए भारतीय नागरिकों से आवेदन आमांत्रित किये जाते है, जिनकी विवरणी निम्न है-
Cooking experience at least 2 Years in any institution
Helper cumnight watchman
A Person with Functional literacy
Cooking experience at least 2 Years in any Institution
Educator (Part Time)
10+2 with Diploma in elementary education (D.El.Ed.) or Bachelor in any discipline from recognized University.
Good oral and written communication skill. Sensitivity tochildren in difficult circumstances. Should exibit child friedndly communication
Art & Craft cum Music Teacher (Part Time)
10+2 with Senior Diploma in Art & Craft/Music from recognized university.
Sensitivity to children in difficult cirumstances. Should exibit child friendly communication
PT Instructor cum Yoga trainer (Part Time)
10+2 and Diploma/ Degree in Physical education from recognized university
Sensitivity to children in difficult cirumstances. Should exibit child friendly communication
Name of Post
Office In Charge (Superintendent)
1.A post Graduate in Social Work/Sociology/Psychology/Political Science/Law OR Graduate in any otherStream with Diploma in Child Protection/Counselling/Child Development from a Recognized university .2 Knowledge of Ms-Office with good oral and written communication skills in Hindi 3. willing to Reside in Institution
At least 3 Years of experience Working in child related Programmes. 2. Experience In managing a child care Institution
Case worker /Probation officer/Child Welfare Office
1. A Graduate in Law/Social Work/Sociology/Psychology/Political Science OR Graduate in any other stream with diploma in Child Protection/Counselling/Child Child Development from a Recognized university 2. Knowledge of Ms-Office with good oral and written communication skills in Hindi
At Least 2 Years of experience Working in child Development/Child Protection/Juvenile Justice System or with Children in Difficult Circumstances.
1 A Graduatein Social Work/Sociology/Psychology/ Counselling OR Graduate in any other stream with diploma in Child Protection/Counselling/Criminology from a recognized university 2 Knowledge of Ms-Office with good oral and written communication skills in Hindi
At least 2 Years of experience in Working in field of child protection
House Mother
10+2 or equivalent
At least 2 Years of experience in Working With Children in difficult circumstances
Paramedical Staff
1. Graduate or Intermediate Withy. Traning in Nursing or first aid 2. Willing to Reside in Institution
Demonstrable attitude of love affection for children in difficult circumstances
Store Keeper cum Account
1. 2. Knowledge of Ms-offic
At least 2 Years of experience in Accounting Work
A Person with Functional literary
Demonstrable sensitivity to children in difficult circumstances
A Personwith Functional literacy
Demonstrable sensitivity to children in difficult circumstances
House keeper
A Person with Functional literacy
Demonstrable sensitivity to children in difficult circumstances.
Educator (Part Time)
10+2 with Diploma in elementary education (D.ELEd) or Bachelor in any discipline from recognized University.
Good oral and written communication skill Sensitivity to children in difficult circumstances Sould exibit child friedndly communication
Art & Craft cum Music Teacher (Part Time)
10+2 with Senior Diploma in Art & Craft/Music from recognized university.
Sensitivity to children in difficult circumstances. Should exibit child friendly communication
PT Instructor cum Yoga trainer (Part Time)
10+2 and Diploma/Degree in Physical education from recognized university
Sensitivity to children in difficult circumstances Should exibit child friendly communication
Bihar Observation Salary :
बिहार पर्यवेक्षण गृह वैकेंसी 2025 के अंतर्गत निकाली गई अलग-अलग पदों के लिए मासिक सैलरी निम्नलिखित है.
Case worker /Probation officer/Child Welfare Office
House Mother
Paramedical Staff
Store Keeper cum Account
House keeper
Educator (Part Time)
Art & Craft cum MusicTeacher (Part Time)
PT Instructor cum Yoga trainer (Part Time)
Bihar Librarian Vacancy 2025 How to Apply:-
इच्छुक एवं योग्य उम्मीदवार दिनांक 20/01/2025 के अपराह्न 05:00 बजे तक निबंधित डाक/स्पीड पोस्ट अथवा ई-मेल ( के माध्यम से विहित प्रपत्र में सहायक निदेशक जिला बाल संरक्षण इकाई प. चम्पारण , बेतिया के कार्यालय (भूमि सुधार उप समाहर्त्ता , कार्यालय के सामने) में भेज सकते है |
आवेदन पत्र के साथ फोटोग्राफ एवं अपने सभी शैक्षणिक योग्यता प्रमाण पत्र, अंक प्रमाण पत्र, अनुभव, जाति, निवास एवं चरित्र प्रमाण पत्र की स्व-अभिप्रमाणित कॉपी के साथ निचे दिए गए पते पर भेज दें. आवेदन पत्र के लिफाफे के ऊपर मोटे अक्षरों में “पर्यवेक्षण गृह बेतिया में नियोजन हेतु आवेदन पत्र”एवं “पद का नाम”.
आवेदन भेजने का पता: सहायक निदेशक जिला बाल संरक्षण इकाई पश्चिम चम्पारण, बेतिया के कार्यालय (भूमि सुधार उप समाहर्ता कार्यालय के सामने). Check Notification
हेलो दोस्तों, मेरा नाम Arnav है और मैं सरकारी योजना और जॉब से सम्बंधित टॉपिक पर आर्टिकल लिखता हूँ। मुझे आम नागरिकों तक सरकारी जॉब और सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी पहुँचाना अच्छा लगता है।